Welcome to My Home Page!

Name: Scott Cohen
Title: Library Director
Department: Library
Office Phone:(731)425-2615
Fax: (731)425-2625
E-mail: scohen@jscc.edu

As Library Director, I am responsible for providing planning for budgeting, staffing, facilities, and administrative management in the library. Evaluation of library services, provision of reports and development of strategic goals are also a part of what I do. I work closely with all departments of the library and also assist in library instruction and reference service.

I enjoy several interests, including reading about baseball and motion pictures, as well as listening to all kinds of music. I am teaching a French language course this year.

I have some favorite places to visit on the Internet. Here are some of them:


Scott Cohen, Library Director

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This page is maintained by Scott Cohen
Last updated May 8, 2006.