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World Lit 1 Video List



Ancient Greece

Athena: the goddess awakens                                                NB237.L46 A6 1991 (V94) 

The odyssey                                                                PA4025.A5 O39 1997 (V566)

The odyssey of Troy                                                   DF221.T8 O39 1995 (V441)  

Medea                                                                         PA3975 .M4 2001 (V984)

Ancient Greece: the birth of thinking                         B171 .A53 2000 (V869)

Oedipus the King                                                        PA4414.O7 O43 1991 (V525) 

Antigone                                                                     PA4413 .A7 1988 (V458) 

Aeschylus. Agamemnon                                             PA3827.A8 A47 1983 (V449) 


Ancient Rome

Spartacus (2 parts) Vol 1                                            PS3511.A784 S73 1991 (V229) 

                               Vol 2                                            PS3511.A784 S73 1991 (V229) 

The Roman emperors                                                  DG274 .R6 1997 (V793)

Ben-Hur (2 parts) Vol 1                                              PS3134 .B46 1987 (V227)

                             Vol 2                                              PS3134 .B46 1987 (V227)    

Julius Caesar                                                               PR2808.A2 J85 1989 (V696) 


Ancient China          

Genghis Khan                                                             DS22 .G463 1995 (537) 

Crouching tiger, hidden dragon                                  PN1995.9.H3 C76 2001 (V950)


Ancient England      

Beowulf                                                                      PN1995.9.S26 B46 2000 (V833)


11th & 12th C

MM Millennium Vol 1                                                D21 .M6 1999 (V704) 



MM Millennium Vol 2 13th  and 14th C                      D21 .M6 1999 (V704)                       

Timeline                                                                      PN1995.9.S26 T56 2004 (D31) 

Agincourt: the triumph of the longbow                      DC101.5.A2 A45 1999 (V623) 

Joan of Arc                                                                 DC103.5 .J63 1996 (V697) 

Romans, Saxsons, Vikings                                          DA680 .R65 1991 (422) 


Middle Ages

The Lion in winter                                                      PS3513.O337 L5 1987 (V211) 

The agony and the ecstasy                                          PS3537.T669 A5 1999 (V742)

The Vatican revealed  Vol 1                                       DG800 .V38 1999 (V740) 

The Vatican revealed Vol 2                                        DG800 .V38 1999 (V740)

The Chronicle history of King Henry the Fifth          PR2812 .C47 1978 (V673) 

Crusades: the knights of Christ                                  D157 .C78 1996 (V667)

Ivanhoe                                                                       PR5318 .A2 1986 (V592) 

A Man for all seasons                                                 PR6052.O39 M3 1987 (V137) 

Anne of the thousand days                                         PS3501.N256 A6 1994 (V649) 

Robin Hood: prince of thieves                                    PN1995.9.R65 R63 1991 (V626) 

Elizabeth                                                                     DA355 .E55 1999 (V718) 

The inferno                                                                  PQ4327.3 .I36 1996 (V450) 

The Middle Ages Vol 1                                              CB351 .M53 1993 (V346) 

The Middle Ages Vol 2                                              CB351 .M53 1993 (V346) 

The Middle Ages Vol 3                                              CB351 .M53 1993 (V346) 


Ancient American Tribes

The Maya                                                                    F1435.M46 I54 1993 (V776) 

The Aztec                                                                    F1219.73 .S3 1993 (V775) 

Myths and the moundbuilders                                                E73 .M97 1990 



The greatness of Africa                                               E185 .G47 1998 (V663)

African influence on early Europe                              DT14 .A47 1998 (V662) 

Egypt: quest for eternity                                             DT88 .E49 1993 (V652)

Egypt, 5000 years fascination                                     DT60 .E49 1991 (V84) 



Hinduism & Buddhism                                               BL1201 .H56 1996 (618) 

Christianity & Judaism                                               BL80.2 .C47 1996 (620) 

Islam                                                                           BP161.2 .I75 1996 (621) 

The Five pillars of Islam                                             BP176 .F58 1988 (423) 

Have we lived before                                                  BL515 .H38 1990 (V158) 


The Renaissance

The Explorers: a century of discovery                        G80 .E97 1988 (V150) 

Florence: cradle of the Renaissance                            DG732 .F56 1992 (V1051)