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Outside Projects

Outside Projects


Projects should be typed

1. Speaker’s Journal. Freewritten discussion of feelings and ideas generated by reading, class discussion, and events in and outside class. Dated 10 pages minimum for a C.

2. Speaker Biography. Research a famous speaker, present or past using at least three sources. Include pertinent biography, excerpts from major speeches, pictures, etc. Minimum 500 words for a C.

3. Speaker Critique. Evaluate a speaker outside class (may be a teacher, pastor, job-related speaker, or political speaker). 500 word minimum for a C. Use the following criteria:

a. Was the topic appropriate for the audience

b. Was the purpose of the speech clear? What was it?

c. Did the speaker use clear, interesting, and accurate language? Give examples.

d. Was the speech effectively organized? What transition devices made the speech easy to follow?

e. Did the speaker appear confident and self-controlled?

f. Was the quality of the speaker’s voice acceptable?

g. Did the speaker’s gestures create meaning? Give examples.

h. Did the speaker use audio visuals appropriately? Give examples.

i. Did the speaker look for and respond to feedback?

4. Toastmasters. Attend a meeting of the Jackson Area Toastmasters Club and write a minimum 500 word description (for a C) of your experience.

5. Article Critiques. Read 5 journal articles about some aspect of communication and write a ½ page summary and ½ page response. Use articles in your field of study—nursing, business, education, etc. Include bibliographical information about your article—author, title of article, journal title, date, page.

5. Attend a local dramatic presentation and write a critique including music, acting, scenery, lighting, plot, costumes, make-up, audience response, atmosphere, and any other appropriate considerations. Minimum 500 words for a C.

6. Any other communication-related topic discussed with the instructor.