
Akhenaton and family.JPG

Assurnasipal Killing Lions.JPG

Bull Lyre.JPG

Darius and Xerxes receiving tribute, Persepolis.JPG

funerary complex and step pryamid of Djoser.JPG


Hall of the Bulls, Lascaux.JPG

Hippo from tomb of Senbi (william).JPG

Horse & Sun Chariot, Denmark.JPG

Ishtar gate.JPG

Judgement before Osiris from the Book of the Dead.JPG

King Khafre.JPG

Lamassu from palace of Ashurnasipal, Nimrud.JPG

Menkaure and Wife.JPG

model of hypostyle hall.jpg

Namer's Palatte.JPG

Nanna Ziggurat.JPG


Pylon and obelisk of Ramses II.JPG

Pyramids at Giza.JPG

Stele of Hammarabi.JPG


Summerian votive statues.JPG

wall painting, Chauvet cave.JPG

Woman (Venus) from Willendorf.JPG